Homeopathic Remedies for Gum Infection- Periodontitis


Homeopathic Remedies for Gum Infection- Periodontitis 

Periodontitis refers to a serious infection of the gums in which the soft tissue surrounding the teeth is damaged. If not properly treated in time, it progresses further to a stage where destruction of bone supporting the teeth arises. This can cause loosening or falling out of teeth. Periodontitis is also called gum disease or periodontal disease.

Homeopathic Remedies for Periodontitis- 

Homeopathic medicines are very safe and effective to manage cases of periodontitis. These manage its symptoms in an excellent manner.



Merc Sol is a top listed medicine for cases of gingivitis and periodontitis. The main indicating features for its use are very red, swollen, inflamed, soft, spongy gums that are very sensitive and painful to touch. This may be attended with burning sensation in gums. Along with this the gums also bleed easily even on slightly touching them. A very offensive odour from mouth appears with  above symptoms. Excessive salivation and metallic taste in the mouth are other attending symptoms. It is also indicated for cases where gums are destroyed and when gums recede from the teeth. Following this, the teeth feel long, get loose from the gums and tend to fall out. 



This medicine is effective when there is intense swelling of gums. The gums are very sore, painful, sensitive and bleed easily, and are painful to little pressure. Pain in the teeth can also accompany this. Another symptom that appears is the feeling that the teeth are too long. Looseness of teeth can also arise.



Natrum Mur is a very beneficial medicine for cases where gums are bluish red and swollen. They are painful too and pain is mostly burning, smarting type. The pain is felt usually while eating. Sometimes there may also appear pain in teeth when chewing.



This remedy is most helpful for cases that present with easy bleeding from gums. In such cases the bleeding arises especially from touching the gums. Pain in teeth, mainly throbbing type with sore, swollen gums may accompany this. Another prominent symptom along with above is loosening of teeth in gums. 



This medicine is well indicated when the gums recede from the teeth and as a result teeth become loose. The teeth also feel elongated. Persons needing it complain of soreness, pain and sensitivity in gums. They also have complaints of easy bleeding from gums especially when sucking or cleaning them. 



This medicine works well for cases with very offensive putrid odour from the mouth. On examining, the gums appear bluish red, inflamed. They are soft, spongy and sometimes destroyed. Easy bleeding from gums may also be present in addition to above symptoms.



Hepar Sulph is valuable medicine for people who have swollen, tender gums. Their gums are painful to touch. The gums may bleed in them. The teeth can become loose. Offensive breath is another symptom that they complain of.



This medicine is useful when gums are bluish and swollen. There may be pain in gums that worsen from taking warm drinks. The gums are spongy and bleed often. The teeth may feel long with above symptoms.



For using this medicine the main feature is dark red and swollen gums. This is frequently accompanied with excessive pain in gums. Burning sensation can appear with this. The gums may bleed and get loose in many cases requiring this medicine.



This medicine is prepared from seeds of the plant Delphinium Staphisagria commonly known as Stavesacre. This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae.  Persons needing it mainly complain of bleeding from gums on cleaning teeth. They also notice bleeding from gums on pressing them. Apart from this they experience pain in gums. Their gums are sore, sensitive and have pain on touching. Some of them have spongy, receding gums.



Calcarea Carb is another prominent medicine for cases of periodontitis. It is indicated when the gums are very painful. For using it the pain can be pulsating, stitching, shooting or throbbing in nature. Gums are red, swollen, inflamed, sensitive and tender to touch. The gums may be destroyed. Foul odour from mouth is felt with these symptoms.


12. MERC COR:  

Merc Cor is indicated for cases where looseness of teeth is present. They are painful and even fall out. The gums are purple, red, swollen, and spongy. They are also tender and may also bleed easily. 

